Sunday 9 June 2013

My Wonderful Trip To Whitley Bay!

This year, I was kindly invited by Paige and her parents to join their holiday at a caravan park in Whitley Bay in the Newcastle area, along with Paige's brother Connor and his best friend Sam (who I was later to find hilarious). Ofcourse, I joyfully accepted - even though I knew I was going to have to be ugh, sociable. The idea that me and Paige could add to our collection of YouTube videos (@ YouTube 'paigeandmeaghan') excited me - and the idea of collaborations with Connor and Sam (@ YouTube 'adoucheandaboob') just spurred me on further. I'd seen some ADoucheAndABoob videos before; but had never met Sam in person, and therefore hadn't really appreciated just how much work he puts into his videos with Connor. I'll go into that later. But truly, during the exam period this short YouTuber holiday could not have been any more appreciated.

Day One:
I woke up exceptionally early on a Friday morning to trundle around to Paige's house with my laptop bag and toiletries, ready to jump in the "Banter Bus" - or larger car - that Paige's mum Donna had borrowed from her own mother especially for the trip. Paige and I sat in the back where the boot would usually be, filming with my Canon PowerShot, whilst Connor and Sam sat in the seats in front. It made for a ridiculously fun journey. I don't think I'd ever used Instagram so much. Paige's dad insisted on having Queen on throughout the journey, which obviously made for some fun moments during the high-pitched 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Despite having never come into contact with Sam, and despite my inability to NOT BE awkward around strangers, everyone got along just great. Everything was marvy. Approaching Newcastle, we ofcourse reached the M6 toll station. For some reason, one of us decided that this was in some way similar to the "Mexican border". On entering Whitley Bay itself, we passed a large Mosque-like building that did bear a (slight) resemblance to the Taj Mahal. It was decided amongst us all that Whitley Bay would now be known to us as "Mindia" - a combination of Mexico and India. We arrived a little early at the caravan park, so Paige, Connor, Sam and I went onto the kids' playground whilst the adults waited for the keys to our new temporary home. Once we got into the caravan, Paige and I were lucky enough to get the biggest room, with a double bed (a luxury I am denied at home). Looking around our room we were happy to discover that we had an en-suite, and it became a game to try and hide it from the rest of the "family" - passing it off as a boiler. Thanks to a considerable amount of snooping from Paige's mum while we were out, our secret was soon uncovered. That night we all went out to "The Lighthouse" the Park's own entertainment venue, where of course Paige and I were the only ones to dance (for about 10 minutes) and Paige caught the eye of a stranger. At the end of the night, we returned to the caravan and uploaded all the footage from my camera to my laptop, ready to be put together.
The PAM 'Day One' video is live at, wheras the ADAAB video is available at

The Taj Mahal? Decide for yourselves


The room Paige and I shared

Day Two: We filmed all day. Today - after suffering electrical problems and several goings-off of the smoke alarm - we caught an unfamiliar bus down to the beach, where it was our intention to visit the actual lighthouse on the shore. We never made it on day two, thanks to the rain, but we had fun nevertheless. Paige's parents did their own thing, whilst we teenagers explored the seaside town. We found a cool fancy-dress/prop shop where we bought some funky glasses; which we foolishly thought would diguise us from Paige's parents. In actual fact, her parents walked past as we exited the shop - foiling our plan completely. We roamed on, and discovered an old red phone booth which we branded as a "TARDIS". After dinner at various places (it appears we all had very different tastes) we walked along the beach and found items such as a "Mindia trophy" (a large stick), "Harry Potter's wand" (a thick twig), "Hulk's Bogey" (a huge rock covered in moss) and even a scooter. If Connor could get his hands on it, he tossed it into the sea. We then walked back to the caravan to get ready for another night out. This time, the stranger who had admired Paige the night before, built up the courage to talk to her and turned out to be a perfectly nice young man called Liam, of the same age. Liam's sister, Niamh, played pool with us and seemed to have a thing for Connor. It was a nice little love-square really. We arranged to go swimming as a group the next day, and I went back to the caravan early to do some revision, leaving them to their games.
The PAM "Day Two" video is available at:
The ADAAB video is available at:

Our "disguises"
Connor, Sam and I - Fun on the Beach

There were some funny moments along the way

The Last Day: Today we walked back into Whitley Bay town, where we were determined to get to the lighthouse. The weather was beautiful, and so it didn't take long for the tide to go out. Liam and Niamh met us on the beach and joined us on our quest. Walking up the long, water-soaked path to the lighthouse was actually really romantic, and when we finally reached the end of the path we were surprised to find a couple of seals - and more rocks for us to climb. After spending about an hour or so just climbing and chatting, we made our way back to the caravan park, where we all gathered our things for the swimming baths. I made a mockery of myself in the pool, where everyone was only too happy to learn that I cannot swim. I'll give it to them though - my grip on the sides at the deep end was laughable. I spent most of my time clinging for dear life on Paige's back, whilst everyone else found it funny to splash water in each other's eyes. Some dancing even occured. At four o' clock, I returned to the caravan to make sure everything was properly packed (curse my worrying), but everyone else decided to stay out to say a proper goodbye to Liam and Niamh. Since I had spent the least amount of time with them, I wasn't too familiar, and just gave them a friendly wave from the car. Everyone was quiet for a long while during the journey home, and you could tell we all wanted to stay a while longer. Horrid exams.
Unfortunately, the PAM "Day Three" video is still in the process of being edited, but ADAAB's is live at:

Liam and Paige - We returned to the Beach
The "Love Bridge" - The Lighthouse was in our sights

Connor and Niamh - We all enjoyed the rocks

Silliness and swimming
Thankyou very much for reading! And please, suscribe to us all!

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