Friday 4 July 2014

Sean Platt & David W. Wright: "Monstrous" // E-Book Review

To my surprise, my dad recently bought me a Samsung Tab 3 which I am completely in love with. I found out that my device was eligible for a free e-book download every month if I activated a Samsung Kindle account, so I went for it. From a choice of four e-books that I'd never heard of or been recommended, I decided to download 'Monstrous' by Sean Platt/David W. Wright, which seemed the most "me". Of course, there was a supernatural element to it, but also a gothic element, which I thought would help me on my A2 English Literature course this  September... if I pass my exams.

The book is about a well-off comedian called Henry, who lives comfortably with his wife, Samantha, and their daughter Amèlie. One day their sizeable house is broken into, but it seems the only thing the attackers want is Henry's life, and his daughter's. Henry and Amèlie end up killed and in Purgatory, although separated, where Henry meets a man in white and a man in black. Instead of waiting for his judgement from God, the man in black - Boothe - persuades Henry to go back to the Earth plane as one of the undead, to seek revenge on his (and Amèlie's) killer. However, Henry is turned into a monster who feeds from violence and sorrow.

I didn't really connect with this book. Henry was just so easily persuaded by Boothe and Randall (the men in white and black), forever jostling with his alliance to one or the the other, that by the end it was completely unconvincing. Noone can be that indecisive. Also, there were a lot of profanities, which wouldn't normally bother me, but there were so many that it just seemed forced and cheesy. One thing I did like about the book was that for a long while I was never really sure about who was the bad guy out of Randall and Boothe. There's a massive plot twist at the end of the book, which I also liked, even though it was sad enough to be sickening.

To keep up with what I'm reading, visit my Goodreads page here:

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